A Warm Welcome by Arinze Onyeabo
Beautiful, Welcoming and Innovation are a few of many words that may come to mind while tempting to describe my experience in The Faroe Islands. The stunning landscapes and waterfronts in the town of Torshavn and the islands in general creates a sense of gratitude to how alluring nature can be in this archipelago. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder; The Faroe Islands would be the essence of beauty.
The Faeroese people here are very receptive having a warm welcoming deposition towards non-indigenes. I am part of a group of 6 international students from different countries who are representing Heriot-Watt university at the International Community Energy Challenge. Our accommodation was provided by a lovely lady with a gorgeous dog who came around to have a chat with us introducing herself as the deputy mayor of Torshavn. It may not seem like a huge deal to some people but where I am from, we don’t even get to see the local councilor of a community. It just amazing to see how friendly natured the locals are in the Faroe Islands.
When it comes to preserving one’s culture and way of life, none has done it better than the Faeroese people. Currently, The Faroe Islands are paving the way towards achieving sustainability through development of its renewable energy resources. The hydrogen learning network has partnered with a few industries here to provide solutions to energy constraints through renewable energy concepts and technologies. The Faroe Islands aim to produce their entire electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030, including transport and heating replacing fossil fuel generation. The actualization of this goal is very real considering the vast amount of effort and commitment towards reducing its carbon emissions. Well done Faroes!!!
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