Far Removed From by Sindri Heidarsson
Right now, I am visiting Faroe Islands and having a great time getting to know my Atlantic neighbors. Walking around in the towns, fjords or mountains, I experience a strong sense of familiarity even though I have never been here before. Our languages obviously have the same origin but have evolved a bit separately. Reading the signs, advertisements and other miscellaneous Faroese text shows how close we are though our pronunciation is often quite different. Everyone in Iceland has heard at least one joke involving our two languages and I have heard to many. Discussing this with one of the Faroese student participants, I have learned that every single one of them is true! We make fun of Faroese tongue and the Faroese make fun of our tongue, in a friendly manner, mind you.
During this trip I have learned so much about Faroese history and culture and am surprised at how close we have been for centuries. The strong connection they still have with their traditions and history is admirable and have done so better than Icelandic people in my opinion.
I will definitely visit again and bring my wife and daughter, to make sure they experience Faroe Islands firsthand and come to appreciate our little weird uncle down south.
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